Investing in Mineral Royalties with
a Self-Directed IRA
Using a self-directed IRA, you can invest in just about anything, including mineral and royalty interests. A self-directed IRA is an investment retirement account used primarily for investing in alternative investment opportunities not allowed by most IRA custodians. These alternative options include, but are not limited to, oil and gas mineral rights and royalty properties.

Self Directed IRA?
A self-directed IRA is technically the same as any other IRA or 401k account. Individual Retirement Accounts were created by the government in 1974 to give investors a way to maximize growth by leveraging the power of compound interest in a tax-deferred or tax-free environment.
Self-directed IRAs are distinctive because they allow investments in royalty properties, which are considered real property. While the majority of IRA custodians only allow investments in mutual funds, stocks, CDs, and bonds, a truly self-directed IRA custodian will allow additional types of investments not approved by traditional IRA custodians.
DW Energy Group’s team has the experience to walk you through every step of the process to invest in oil and gas with IRA funds. Diversify your retirement portfolio today.
Royalties are paid first from a well’s pre-expensed production revenue. Royalty owners typically receive 20-25% of cash flow after production taxes have been paid.
Royalty owners enjoy a depletion allowance which waives income taxes on the first 15% of royalty income on an annual basis.
The availability of energy has continued to prove vital. For investors, there is still long-term potential to enjoy greater upside as pricing reflects our need for oil & gas. While pricing will continue to fluctuate, many experts agree that today’s commodities pricing represents an attractive opportunity to enter or expand one’s position in the energy industry.
As ‘like-kind property,’ oil and gas royalties are eligible for IRC-1031 Exchanges, which provides capital gains tax relief for real estate and energy investors.
A strong combination of investment advantages
Direct participation in oil and gas exploration is a tax-advantaged investment that can provide attractive long-term results while complementing a qualified and sophisticated investor’s existing portfolio.
Oil and gas investment tax preferences are among the best of any asset class – investing in real estate, stocks, and bonds simply do not provide the special and considerable tax advantages associated with direct investing in oil and gas exploration.
While oil and gas tax write-offs are great, DW focuses on financing projects that have the highest potential to deliver excellent cash returns and generate long-term passive monthly income streams for our qualified investors.
For many qualified investors, oil and gas investing is a welcome complement to low-yielding fixed-return bonds, volatile stocks, or real estate and private equity investments that involve the use of leverage to achieve a desired return on equity.
DW oil and gas investment partnerships are structured to maximize the potential benefits of direct participation in oil and gas exploration.
DW Energy Group, LLC is a non-operating oil and gas exploration company located in the Dallas, Texas metro area.
DW’s team has over 30 years of experience in the oil and gas, securities, and accounting industries.
Since 2008, DW has partnered with the world’s most successful exploration and production companies to provide high potential oil and gas investment opportunities to qualified investors.




President & Chief Executive Officer
Martin founded DW in 2008 to bridge the gap between qualified private capital and the most promising investment opportunities in the oil and gas industry. He has over 25 years of experience creating unique business opportunities that manage risk and provide economic benefits for both operators and DW’s investing partners.

Chief Operating Officer
Rick directs the day-to-day operations of DW and joined the firm at its inception following 20 years of service as a US Navy Nuclear Submarine Officer. He is a graduate of Notre Dame University and the TCU Energy Institute Professional Land Management Program.